We find that one of the biggest challenges for this age group is the "separation anxiety" that children feel when trying something new, with a new group of people and a new teacher. Sometimes it is "anxiety" inducing for you parents too! In order to alleviate this, we encourage/ invite parents to attend part of the first class of the semester with their children, for the beginning, where we will have a quick information session, then learn a song all together, after which the children will wave you out of the room so we can play! We think this helps to ease the transition, when the 'goodbye' becomes a happy and fun thing! Then, we do encourage you to stick around, outside the classroom and rental properties, for the first class, so children can have the comfort of knowing you are near. We are also happy to discuss these or any other issues or concerns in more detail. Our goal is that every child have a positive and fun experience, gain confidence and other skills that will help them for the rest of their lives. We also want this to be a pleasant experience for you as well: the opportunity to watch your children grow and blossom, and to know they are having fun!